Welcome to Online Classes
Principal's Address:
Sr. Theresa Vialva
Good morning everyone, special acknowledgements to Our Vice principal Ms Reefer, members of Staff, students and parents.
This morning it is with feelings of deep joy and pride that I welcome each of you to this launch of our Virtual School. Over the last 7 weeks, together we, the staff and parents have worked tirelessly so that we could come to this day. After hours of dedicated research, trials, experiments, networking and risking, we at HFCC can offer each of our 801 students an opportunity to make a smooth transition from education bounded by the four fences at 121 to 125 Southern Main Road Couva, to an unbounded platform that reaches you right where you are, at home.
In this season of Easter, we can sing a resounding “Alleluia Glory to God, Thanks Be to God, Alleluia!” …because things are getting better, and, we are into resurrection moments! Like the women were filled with joy when they discovered that Jesus, through the power of His Heavenly Father had broken the barriers of death and come to life, we too are filled with joy in knowing that our teaching and learning has moved to the next level. From today onwards we are moving together as a whole school. Of the 860 persons who comprise our direct teaching/learning community, 59 are without devices for navigating online learning.
None the less, Your teachers have pooled their energies and will ensure you have every opportunity for learning the content, skills and attitudes that will ready you for a smooth transition to whatever "new normal" may come your way. We at Holy Faith Convent Couva continue to believe that "This is the victory that overcomes the world, our FAITH". Faith in ourselves, Faith in our neighbour, Faith in our environment and more importantly Faith in God. We declare that Faith this morning …in the face of all difficulties , I the face of all opportunities, in the face of all uncertainties and all hope... we declare again and again:
"In this school we come together...every creed and race...our hearts are all united, by the lamp of learning lighted may true love our hearts illumine as we journey on in union." One Faith, One Family, One Lord, One Faith. Amen!
Vice Principal's Closing Remarks:
Ms. Paulette Reefer
I wish to begin my saying thank you, to our school principal Sr Theresa Vialva, all our teachers, parents and students who made the effort to make our virtual school an actual reality.
Students let us show up for our classes and that means more than simply logging on. It means participating and preparing for your synchronous classes, as well as keeping abreast with your asynchronous exercises that teachers would upload whether in your google classroom, zoom, skype or as a what’s ap message or video.
Showing up is the new buzz word aligned to success and successful leaders all declare it accounts for 80% of success. Let us show up eagerly and productively as we navigate the net preparing for the world of work and for life in a Digital age.
Keep your goals in mind prioritize your activities and seek inspiration when despair sets in. Continue to help at home with the household chores, be a valuable member in your household by saying kind words and doing good deeds.
Ensure that you maintain a regular sleep routine. These are some key ways for thriving amid chaos.
We look forward to witnessing your creative and resilient school spirit emerge and the continuous forging of ties of true friendship, sisterhood and brotherhood among our school community.
Daughters and sons of HFCC welcome to our virtual school.