HFCC Board
Easter greetings from Holy Faith Convent School Board to our School Communities.
We extend the peace and joy of the Risen Lord to all members of the HFC family. We recognise and acknowledge your efforts to foster both the education of our children and enrichment of our respective communities as well as our nation. We are truly grateful for your continued service and generosity of spirit, particularly in this time of COVID-19 Pandemic. This too shall pass... in Christ is our victory, therein lies our hope.
Among HFC’s strengths are its love of humanity, fairness, justice, selfless leadership and a deep sense of spirituality founded on an abiding trust in our loving, ever-living God who is always present even amidst the trials of this life. Over the years these strengths have enabled our schools’ leadership teams (administrative, teachers, ancillary staff, students, parents and community) to develop strategies based on our core values to navigate us through what can only be described as traumatic times. We pray that guided by the Holy Spirit we will continue to do so with an abundance of God's grace.
Our focus continues to be the well-being of all members of our HFC family. One such initiative involves each of our secondary schools in providing hampers for those more vulnerable among us. We also encourage all to continue to pray, pause, be aware, reflect on this experience and to stay safe as we manoeuver this most unusual time in world history and plan for the way forward.
Together we are preparing our students for a future that is unknown as well as to address ever-evolving social and cultural issues. Undoubtedly, our leadership must be predictive and insightful, our teaching inspiring, and our learning empowering.
At present, the staff at both our schools (in conjunction with other stakeholders) are working assiduously towards this end. There has been much virtual meeting and planning as we seek to re-configure teaching and learning experiences. All projected activities continue to be premised on equity, love and respect for all concerned.
The Members of our Board wish to sincerely thank all stakeholders for your contributions in making our response to date to this pandemic challenge a sensible, compassionate and effective one. We trust and pray that this will continue and our responses will adjust to meet those needs as they arise. We look forward to your active participation in and contribution to this effort.
As our Foundress, Margaret Aylward reminds us: “God’s will in your regard will be your polar star. View it calmly and steadily. When the work is for God and those engaged in it devote their time, energies and fortunes to its accomplishment, then, the seemingly impossible becomes a reality.”
Let us keep our eyes on our polar star and may God continue to richly bless us all.
Once again we thank you for your continued support of our HFC Schools. We continue to place all our trust in Christ who is our victory. Alleluia!
Prayers and Blessings.
HFCC Board